How to create a splitted title
You can use an integrated feature to split your module / widget title into 2 parts. This is useful for website design so that you can have a nice title which looks with 2 different styles.

How to use Pixabay for your images
Pixabay is a wonderful stock of free images where you can find and use millions of free images. Thanks to an API developped by Pixabay you can browse all the royalty free images directly from the interface of Template Creator CK and download it in your website to use it for your template / theme with one click.
Using Pixabay in Template Creator CK features :
- Browse millions of free photos
- Download of the image in your website folder with one click
- Compatible with EIR (Easy Image Resizer) to automatically resize your image on download (for Joomla)
- Caching of requests for a higher speed when displaying images
- Lazy loading of images with infinite scroll
- Compatible multilanguage for the search : you can select your language

Hide the maincontent
How to hide the maincontent on the home page
Template Creator CK has an option to create a home page without the maincontent part. This allows you to use only modules / widgets on the front page.

CSS grid to use in your content
CSS grid to use in your content
The template is responsible of the design of your website and in many cases you will need to do some design also in your content, like creating some columns to align your content.
You can use some CSS Framework like Bootstrap, but if you don't want to load a such framework then it becomes very difficult to manage the layout arrangement. Hopefully Template Creator CK comes now with a simple and flexible CSS grid than you can use into your projects.
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