Set up a color palette

You can define a set a 5 colors that you can use along your template / theme on every color picker.

 To select the colors in the palette, click on Select a palette

This opens a popup where you can define the 5 colors to use and reuse in your template :


Click on the Save and close button to close the popup and save your colors. They will then appear at the bottom of your color pickers :


You can directly click on one of the color palette to apply it in the color picker.



Replace the colors


Sometimes you need to update a color in your template / theme, but if you have put the same color in different places it can be very difficult to do. Template Creator CK has as special feature to help you to replace a color with another color. Go in Actions >> Replace colors to open the popup

Just select the color to replace and the new color to use, then click on the Replace button and that's it ! This will replace the color in the entire template / theme.


Share your color palette with Page Builder CK for Joomla


Template Creator CK creates a params.tck file in the template that will be read by Page Builder CK. This file contains the color palette setting, so that you can directly share your colors between your template and your content.

See the documentation of Page Builder CK

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